Monday, December 21, 2009

Peter Gabriel Car Blog

hedgehog skiing

It is very strange now represent people who are not employed specifically does that go in the evenings, say, in cafes and clubs to socialize with other people. I communicate with Zinoviev, Hannibal, Gippius, Anna Mar and A. MIREA. Ever since Aristotle, Plato, Boileau, Kant, Schiller, Hegel. Even with Thomas, Ira, Sveta and Eugene. Sometimes with Julia and Oleg. That's all. House, University. And nowhere do not want anymore. That's interesting, they have time to ensure that all of this to come up and write. Write a lot too. However, according to studies. But still interesting. I want to will soon take up the closer.
And I want to show you the text written for credit in pedagogy.
about a hedgehog.
Funny, perhaps, will read someday the memoirs of contemporaries about the other great contemporary.
Instead of "personal diary and letters - not by chance that when she wrote in her blog ..." or "The letter my best friend 'pussycat_doll' she noted ... "

So, about my childhood trauma:
It was in first grade.
First of all I must say that I was a" good girl "from the childhood. The kindergarten reading a lot (most impressed by the "Two Captains" Benjamin Kaverina and tales Lydia Chara), copied and illustrated Pushkin's poem (first, remember, was "The sky breathed autumn ...") - and terribly anxious to go to school and learn.
very worried when parents decided to put me in first class than six, and seven years, 'prolong childhood, "as they say - as if I needed!
I remember I came to testing for a future first-graders, as there was a square of some geometric figures, as I sincerely praised the teacher. I identified the strongest class. The first "W" (first-graders that year was very much due to the explosion of births in 1986 to the year). This letter has not been certainly nobody else!
Introduction the school with a strict head teacher and a good director, "my first teacher," a stern and a bit nervous face, scary, scary but interesting. And "we all learned little by little, all in a row and accurately.
do not know how other schools, but we have a first class, do not put ratings on a scale of five - instead of their classroom rukovoditelnitsa put us in the notebooks of different print (if they were generally popular - variety, color, depicting dinosaurs, stars and everything, whatever). System was introduced notations. For some, it seems, the sun meant "satisfactory", something else - good, but the hedgehog skiing means - "excellent." Still sought after. In first grade children are not embarrassed to be an excellent student.
I do not remember for what exactly and when - but once you fall, I opened a proven notebook and found him there. Treasured hedgehog skiing, deep-blue, a little smear ink.
My joy was almost unlimited - the first whack! All evening, I opened the notebook to look at it again, did their homework, looked back at the hedgehog - and decided that he was too sad. Picked markers and painted it carefully with your colors, respecting boundaries, accurately and vividly.
Once again we passed the laptop to check, and there were no signs of trouble. The next day, when all were given homework checked, my was not among them. "My notebook with my own color hedgehog was gone!" - I was scared. But no. Better Had she gone.
I saw it in the hands of the classroom and instructor for suspected mischief. She looked at me, raised her notebook, demonstrating my hedgehog around class, and pathetically beginning: "My children, listen!" It turned out that the pens that the hedgehog was painted, leaked onto the back side of notebook sheet. AND While all this "outrage" has been in the fields, without interfering, so the workspace page, it is obviously outraged aesthetic taste (or rather - regulatory representation) teacher. She sternly shook notebook in the air, screaming that so do children, it is impossible! (It generally has been very incontinence).
Nightmare my life, until my heartfelt only in the imagination - when reading the tales of heavy moments Chara. I - a negative example, a slut, universal ridicule. Children tend to dramatize. It seems I took it so close to my heart, that even tears.
Naturally, I never do not. No should not differ from the collective. Despite the fact that it was after the restructuring is likely to "Soviet" sense of the teacher was too great.
But think I'm imbued with respect for the system? Certainly not. I have learned to accept it and abide by that she does not sucked me into their conflicts - and to live in a fictional beautiful world - in the books.
analyzing this situation now, I think that a grand disappointment, she gave birth. School was no longer a world of magic "Should" triumphed over "I" and the variability of consciousness was something shameful. Might have happened all the way, I would have grown more pampered, but more free, uncomplexed.
Until now, I take sharp criticism very personally, probably not very adequate and fair warning of its immediate Chief, what happened to me is only a method of "stick" - I'll do everything I can and penetration of the love of work. The method of "carrot" is causing me confusion and alienation.
Pretty scary to think that if my first teacher just called me to her and calmly explained why she does not like colored markers hedgehogs, and advised to use crayons - a lot in my training (not only) life could be quite different.